


B . 621型机架的C5、C6为LOCAL-BUS的扩展接口,不用时要终止

C . 1024型机架只有C5接口,说明C5接口是LOCAL-BUS-B的接口

D . LOCAL-BUS是一对时分总线,每个TRU单元只占用其中3个TS



Local bus can increase the data through

[单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used is (70) .(70) A.VESAB.PCIC.MCAD.EISA

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughp

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used isA.VESAB.EISAC.MCAD.PCI

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  • Local bus can reduce the occupation time

    [单选题]Local bus can reduce the occupation time of CPU.For the PCI local bus, commonly the time can be reduced toA.46%.B.26%.C.16%.D.6%.

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  • Local bus can reduce the occupation time

    [单选题]Local bus can reduce the occupation time of CPU.For the EISA local bus, commonly the time can be reduced toA.42%.B.22%.C.12%.D.2%.

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughp

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput. The bus that is most frequently used isA. VESAB.EISAC.MCAD.PCI

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughp

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput. The bus that is most frequently used is(75)。A.VESAB.EISAC.MCAD.PCI

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used is ( ).

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently

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  • 下列关于Token Bus局域网特点的描述中,错误的是()。

    [单选题]下列关于Token Bus局域网特点的描述中,错误的是( )。A.令牌是一种特殊结构的帧,用来控制结点对总线的访问权B.令牌总线必须周期性地为新结点加入环提供机会C.令牌总线不需要进行环维护D.令牌总线能够提供优先级服务

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  • 移动收发信机电源控制单元中的本地总线(Local bus)提供DXU、TRU和E

    [主观题]移动收发信机电源控制单元中的本地总线(Local bus)提供DXU、TRU和ECU单元的内部通信连接。()此题为判断题(对,错)。

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  • 以下关于Token Bus局域网特点的描述中,咽阶是错误的________。

    [单选题]以下关于Token Bus局域网特点的描述中,咽阶是错误的________。A.令牌是—种特殊结构的帧,用来控制结点对总线的访问权B.令牌总线必须周期性地为新结点加入环提供机会C.令牌总线不需要进行环维护D.令牌总线能够提供优先级服务

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  • LOCAL-BUS的错误描述是()