
根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:

A.Where have you been

B.What do you do

C.An interesting place

D.a part time job

E.And what do you do

F.been there

G.That sounds interesting

H.Which restaurant

第 56 题 Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?

A.ndrea:1 work for Thomas Cook Travel.

Jason:Oh,really? 1 there?

A.ndrea:I'm a guide.I take people on tours to countries in South America,like Peru.

Jason: 2 !

A.ndrea:Yes,it’S a great job.I love it.3 ?

Jason:I’m a student,and I have 4 ,too.

A.ndrea:Oh?Where do you work?

Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.

A.ndrea: 5 ?

Jason.Hamburger Heaven.



根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:

[试题]根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:A.I will take it.B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you.F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are.H.Thank you SO much!(S=Shopkeeper。P=Peter)第 55 题S: 1P:1 wan to buy a notebook.S:The notebook

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