
advice on how to improve our writing. If (可能), we may leave 83.



He is _______ than his brother in writing.

[单选题]He is _______ than his brother in writing.A.bestB.betterC.goodD.clever

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  • The students are encouraged by their teacher to do morelistening,reading and writing.

    [问答题]The students are encouraged by their teacher to do morelistening,reading an

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  • To improve the quality of our products ,

    [单选题]To improve the quality of our products ,we asks for suggestions _______had used the products.A.whoeverB. whoC. whicheverD.which

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  • Peer-editing during class is an important step of the _________ approach to teaching writing.

    [单选题]Peer-editing during class is an important step of the _________ approach to

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  • our writing in the g time. After that, w

    [主观题]our writing in the g time. After that, we have to check our 79.

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  • And how about our education?

    [主观题]A.nd how about our education?

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  • Whatever you do will help us improve our English.

    [问答题]Whatever you do will help us improve our English.

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  • How does Booth's Algorithm improve binar

    [单选题]H.ow does Booth's Algorithm improve binary multiplication?A.It prevents overflow.B.It prevents underflow.C.It preserves the sign of the multiplication operation.D.It enhances the speed of the operation significantly.

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  • How do you like our city?- _________。

    [单选题]How do you like our city?- _________。A.I came here by plane.B.Oh, I love it

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  • I hope you will agree ________ me about the idea that our teacher's advice is excellent.

    [单选题]I hope you will agree ________ me about the idea that our teacher's advice

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  • advice on how to improve our writing. If