
电气分隔(electrical separation)



电气装置(electrical installation)

[名词解释] 电气装置(electrical installation)

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  • 电气设备(electrical equipment)

    [名词解释] 电气设备(electrical equipment)

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  • 生态分离(ecological separation)

    [名词解释] 生态分离(ecological separation)

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    [单选题]英语ELECTRICAL指()A .电动的B .气动的C .电磁阀D .转换器

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  • The unit of electrical resistance is the

    [单选题]The unit of electrical resistance is theA.ampereB.voltC.wattD.ohm

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  • Lightning is a ________ of electrical cu


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  • The unit of electrical power is the ____

    [单选题]The unit of electrical power is the _____.A.ampereB.kilovoltC.wattD.farad

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  • Lightning is a ________ of electrical cu


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  • An electrical device which prevents an a

    [单选题]A.n electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an _____.A.limitB.monitorC.modulatorD.interlock

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  • FTGS轨道电路电气分隔方式有:()。

    [单选题]FTGS轨道电路电气分隔方式有:()。A . S棒、短路棒、终端棒、调整短路棒B . S棒、短路棒C . S棒、调整短路棒D . S棒、终端棒

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  • 电气分隔(electrical separation)