A . transmit distress signal
B . send response signal
C . transmit the signal of ship‟s position
D . be start by X-band radar
[单选题]We hadn't realized that there would be a power cut so we are astonished whe
[单选题]SART电源开通接通时,SART就()A .发射遇险信号B .发射应答信号C .发射船位信号D .等待X波段雷达脉冲触发
[单选题]当接通SART电源开关,SART就()A .发射遇险信号B .发射应答信号C .发射船位信号D .以上都不对
[判断题] 英文POWER和POWER SOURCE的意思都是电源。()A . 正确B . 错误
[单选题]SART收到导航雷达询问信号时,SART的反应是()A . 哑声,无光闪B . 哑声,光闪加快C . 声响,光闪变慢D . 声响,光闪变快
[单选题]SART工作于()。A .L波段B .C波段C .X波段D .S波段
[单选题]SART是()的设备A . 能发送遇险报警B . 能进行遇险通信C . 能自动连接RCCD . 没有遇险报警功能
[单选题]SART的作用是()。A .发射遇险信号B .发射船位信号C .发射应答信号D . D.受雷达询问脉冲触发后应答
[单选题]F.or _______the power is supplied by main switchboard directly not through sub-boardA.saving network costB.improving the reliability of supplying power to important loadC.preventing sequence reversingD.increasing the power Factor of important load
[单选题]The unit of electrical power is the _____.A.ampereB.kilovoltC.wattD.farad