
C2C Customer to Customer



B2C Business to customer

[名词解释] B2C Business to customer

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  • The customer comments on the battery are

    [单选题]The customer comments on the battery are mainly about its _______.A. quality B. service C. function D. shopping

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  • The customer comments on the battery are

    [单选题]The customer comments on the battery are mainly about its _______.A. qualityB. serviceC. functionD. shopping

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  • ()means to provide facility for customer

    [单选题]()means to provide facility for customer’s need or inquiry and arrange it.A . serviceB . businessC . customer serviceD . making money

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  • C2C

    [名词解释] C2C

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  • Customer, This suit looks nice. ________

    [单选题]C.ustomer, This suit looks nice. _________?A.ssistant: Yes, of course. The fitting room is over there.A. How much is itB. Can I Try itC. How can I buy itD. Can I Try it on

  • 查看答案
  • Which three customer needs are addressed

    [多选题] Which three customer needs are addressed by Cisco solutions?()A . reducing TCOB . reducing day one costsC . obtaining A wide variety of point productsD . improving productivityE . gaining competitive advantageF . focusing on current need

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  • 英译中:Customer service

    [名词解释] 英译中:Customer service

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  • Bank clerk: ______, Madam? Customer: Wel

    [单选题]B.ank clerk: ______, Madam?C.ustomer: Well, I just can't remember my password for the bank account.

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  • Shop assistant:______, Sir? Customer. I

    [单选题]Shop assistant:______, Sir?C.ustomer. I am looking for the men's wear section.

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  • C2C Customer to Customer