
先锋群落 pioneer community



群落 community

[名词解释] 群落 community

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  • 生物群落(biotic community)

    [名词解释] 生物群落(biotic community)

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  • 岩内微生物群落 endolithic microbial community

    [名词解释] 岩内微生物群落 endolithic microbial community

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  • 旱生演替系列的先锋群落是()。


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  • The pioneer type was the characteristic

    [主观题]The pioneer type was the characteristic one at the turn of the seventeenth century and also fit the beginning of the______(twenty)century,but it is much less evident today.

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  • 先锋树种最终代替基本成林树种而形成较稳定的森林群落。

    [判断题] 先锋树种最终代替基本成林树种而形成较稳定的森林群落。A . 正确B . 错误

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  • Community

    [名词解释] Community

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  • 社区(community)

    [名词解释] 社区(community)

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  • Pioneer有那些数据回放功能().

    [多选题] Pioneer有那些数据回放功能().A .支持正放、倒放及任意点回放B .支持回放速度调节功能C .所有窗口数据自动关联,点回放窗口某数据点,其他窗口将自动跳到此位置D .支持多数据选择,任意回放某一数据E .数据回放中,可锁定当前活动窗口显示

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  • community intervention trial

    [名词解释] community intervention trial

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  • 先锋群落 pioneer community