A. to live
B. to live in
C. for living
D. to be living in
[单选题,B型题] Di-George综合征是().A . 原发性T细胞免疫缺陷B . 原发性B细胞免疫缺陷C . 原发性联合免疫缺陷D . 原发性吞噬细胞缺陷E . 获得性免疫缺陷
[单选题,配伍题] Di-George综合征是()A . 原发性T细胞免疫缺陷B . 原发性B细胞免疫缺陷C . 原发性联合免疫缺陷D . 原发性吞噬细胞缺陷E . 获得性免疫缺陷
[单选题]G.eorge asked the question because he wanted to show that he was ______.A. interestingB. not nervousC. differentD. eager to learn
[单选题]Di-George综合征宜做哪项检测()A . E花环试验B . EAC花环试验C . 溶血空斑试验D . Ig定量检测E . T淋巴细胞数量、亚群及功能试验
[问答题]He asks me to stay in the room till he comes back.
[单选题]He [purchased] aticket and went up on the top deck.A.boughtB.tookC.showedD.
[单选题]He [purchased] aticket and went up on the top deck.A.boughtB.tookC.showedD.
[单选题]3. When I came into the room,he pretended ________ his homework.A. to doB. be doingC. doingD. to be doing