

Option Base 1

D.im arr() As Integer

Private Sub Form_Click()

D.im i As Integer,j As Integer

ReDim arr(3,2)

F.or i=1 To 3

F.or j=1 To 2

arr (i,j)=i*2+j

Next j

Next i

ReDim Preserve arr(1,4)

F.or j=3 To 4


Next j

Print arr(3,2);arr(3,4)

E.nd Sub

程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为( )。

A.8 13

B.0 13

C.7 12

D.0 0



阅读程序: Option Base 1 Dim arr()As Integer

[单选题]阅读程序:Option Base 1D.im arr()As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click()D.im i As Integer, j As IntegerReDim arr(3,2)F.or i = 1 To 3F.or j = 1 To 2arr(i,j)=i*2+jNextNextReDim Preserve arr(3,4)F.or j=3 To 4arr(3,j)=j+9NextPrint arr(3,2)+arr(3,4)E.nd Sub程序运行后,单击

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  • ( 24 )有以下程序:Option Base 1Dim arr() As In

    [单选题]( 24 )有以下程序:Option Base 1D.im arr() As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click()D.im i As Integer, j As IntegerReDim arr(3, 2)F.or i = 1 To 3F.or j = 1 To 2arr(i, j) = i * 2 + jNext jNext iReDim Preserve arr(3, 4)F.or j = 3 To 4arr(3, j) = j + 9Next jPrint arr

  • 查看答案
  • 有以下程序:Option Base 1Dim arr()As IntegerPr

    [单选题]有以下程序: Option Base 1 Dim arr()As Integer Private Sub Form. Click() Dim i As Integer,j As Integer ReDim arr(3,2) For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 2 arr(i,j)=i*2+j Next j Next i ReDim Preserve arr(3,4) For j=3 To 4 arr(3,j)=j+9 Next j Print arr(3,2);arr(3,4) En

  • 查看答案
  • 阅读程序:Option Base 1Dim arr()As IntegerPri

    [单选题]阅读程序: Option Base 1 Dim arr()As Integer Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer,j As Integer ReDim arr(3,2) For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 2 arr(i,j)=i*2+j Next j Next i ReDim Preserve arr(3,4) For j=3 To 4 arr(3,j)=j+9 Next j Print arr(3,2)+arr(3,4) End

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  • 阅读程序:Option Base 1Dim arr() As IntegerPr

    [单选题]阅读程序:Option Base 1D.im arr() As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click()D.im i As Integer,j As IntegerReDim arr(3,2)F.or i=1 To 3F.or j=1 To 2an(i,j) =i*2+jNextNextReDim Preserve an(3,4)F.or j=3 To 4an(3,j) =j+9NextPrint arr(3,2) +air(3,4)E.nd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输

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  • 阅读程序:Option Base 1Dim arr() As IntegerPr

    [单选题]阅读程序: Option Base 1 Dim arr() As Integer Private Sub Form. Click() Dim i As Integer,i As Integer ReDim arr(3,2) For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 2 arr(i,j)=i*2+j Next j Next i ReDim arr(3,2)+arr(3,4) End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.21B.13C.8D.25

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  • 有以下程序:Option Base 1Dimair()As IntegerPri

    [单选题]有以下程序: Option Base 1 Dimair()As Integer Private Sub Form_Click() Dimi As Integer,j As Integer ReDimalt(3,2) Fori=1 To 3 Forj=1 To 2 alt(i,j)=i*2+j Nextj Nexti ReDimPreservearr(3,4) Forj=3 To 4A. 8 13B.0 13C. 7 12D.0 0

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  • 查看答案
  • 有以下程序:Option Base 1 Dim arr() As Integer