
at, is, good, nobody, everything




Nobody can remember everything.

[问答题]Nobody can remember everything.

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  • Nobody knows the time of shipment,()?

    [单选题]Nobody knows the time of shipment,()?A . doesn’theB . doesheC . don’t youD . do they

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  • Everything eones with price;there is no

    [单选题]E.verything eones with price;there is no mteh tning as a frce fttnneh in the wodd.A.a , a B.the , /C.the , a D.a , /

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  • Everything comes with ____price;there is

    [单选题]E.verything comes with ____price;there is no such__________ thing as free lunch inthe world.A.a,aB. the, /C. the, /D.a, /

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  • Nobody noticed the thief slip into the h

    [单选题]Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ______.A. be put upB. give inC. be turned onD. go out

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  • Nobody had predicted the scale of impact

    [单选题]Nobody had predicted the scale of impact of ( ) communications and that it world be one of the largest businesses in the history of mankind with and immense impact on all economies.[1分]A.microwaveB.satelliteC.cellD.cellular

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  • The man knocked at the door _______ nobody answered.

    [单选题]The man knocked at the door _______ nobody answered.A.andB.soC.orD.but

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  • The man knocked at the door _______ nobody answered.

    [单选题]The man knocked at the door _______ nobody answered.A.andB.soC.orD.but

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  • 24. Nobody is in classroom because______

    [单选题]24. Nobody is in classroom because________ .A. it’s SundayB. Mary gets to the classroom so earlyC.it's 7:30 nowD.the students are playing outside

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  • Everything about the ship should be reco

    [单选题]E.verything about the ship should be recorded in the ________ by the duty officerA.documentsB.paperC.logbookD.record

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  • at, is, good, nobody, everything _______