

[A] limited

[B] committed

[C] dedicated

[D] confined



_________[A] invisible [B] limited [C] i

[单选题]_________[A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different

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  • __________[A] limited[B] subjected[C] co

    [单选题]__________[A] limited [B] subjected [C] converted [D] directed

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  • [A] willing[B] luckly[C] committed[D] en

    [单选题][A] willing[B] luckly[C] committed[D] engaged

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  • GIF files are limited to a maximum of

    [单选题] GIF files are limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel, it simply means that no more than 256 colors are allowed in (74) .(74)A. an image B. a file C. a window D. a page

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  • 2 Good Sports Limited is an independent

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  • ____________[A] limited [B] committed [C