
The ship should have a slightly deeper draft().

A . on port side

B . on starboard side

C . at the port quarter

D . at the ster



The Ship Security Plan should be submitt

[单选题]The Ship Security Plan should be submitted to____ for approval.A.the SSOB.the PSCOC.the CSOD.the Administration

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  • Everything about the ship should be reco

    [单选题]E.verything about the ship should be recorded in the ________ by the duty officerA.documentsB.paperC.logbookD.record

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  • The ship security officer shall have kno

    [单选题]The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in Part B of ____ .A.the ISM CodeB.the ISPS CodeC.the IBC CodeD.the IGC Code

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  • Generally speeking,()should have a valid

    [单选题]G.enerally speeking,()should have a valid permit when he needs to enter the departure lounge.A.a passengerB.a crew memberC.an airport staffD.a temporary visitor

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  • By law,a buyer should have()opportunity

    [单选题]By law,a buyer should have()opportunity to change his mind.A . accurateB . urgentC . excessiveD . adequate

  • 查看答案
  • You should have been more patient ______

    [单选题]You should have been more patient ________ 怎么选择Youshouldhavebeenmorepatient________thatcustomer;I’msurethatsellinghimthewatchwasapossibility.A.)ofB)withC)forD)at

  • 查看答案
  • An international freight forwarder should have knowledge of ( ).

    [多选题]An international freight forwarder should have knowledge of ( ).A.location

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  • An international freight forwarder should have knowledge of ( ).

    [多选题]An international freight forwarder should have knowledge of ( ).A.location

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  • A deeper B fewer C nearer D smaller

    [单选题]A. deeperB. fewerC. nearerD. smaller

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  • _____the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.

    [单选题]_____the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A.In ca

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  • The ship should have a slightly deeper d