



基香(Basic note)

[名词解释] 基香(Basic note)

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  • 头香(Top note)

    [名词解释] 头香(Top note)

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  • 香韵

    [名词解释] 香韵

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  • 安溪石山铁观音具有独特幽香岩韵属于()香。

    [单选题]安溪石山铁观音具有独特幽香岩韵属于()香。A .茶类香;B .品种香;C .地域香;D .附加香。

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  • 体香(Body note)

    [名词解释] 体香(Body note)

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  • According to the author,handwritten note

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author,handwritten notes _______.A. are harder to teach in schoolsB. attract more attentionC. are used only between friendsD. carry more message

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  • It is important to note that from the co

    [单选题]It is important to note that from the core company’s perspective, the supply chain includes (), upstream supplier and down stream customers.A . Internal functionsB . External functionsC . Information systemsD . Physical distribution

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  • 术语翻译:Consignment note()

    [问答题] 术语翻译:Consignment note()

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  • 术语翻译:Promissory note()

    [问答题] 术语翻译:Promissory note()

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  • 主音(Key-note)

    [名词解释] 主音(Key-note)

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  • 香韵(Note)