

A .〈body〉〈/body〉

B .〈table〉〈/table〉

C .〈head〉〈/head〉

D .〈P〉〈/P〉





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  • TITLE标记符应位于()标记符之间。

    [填空题] TITLE标记符应位于()标记符之间。

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  • title标记优化的原则是尽量多的增加关键词。

    [判断题] title标记优化的原则是尽量多的增加关键词。A . 正确B . 错误

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  • 英译中:Document of title

    [名词解释] 英译中:Document of title

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  • HTML文档中<;TITLE>;与<;/TITLE>;之间的文本

    [单选题]HTML文档中<;TITLE>;与<;/TITLE>;之间的文本将出现在浏览器的什么地方:()。A . 浏览器标题栏中B . Web页面的最上方C . 正文开始处D . 不出现

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  • A bill of lading, severing as a document of title tothe goods, transfers the title to the shipped go

    [判断题]A bill of lading, severing as a document of title tothe goods, transfers th

  • 查看答案
  • The best title for the passage is ______

    [单选题]The best title for the passage is ______.A. TWO LOVELY MICEB. HELP PRODUCES LOVEC. FRIENDS IN NEEDD. LOVE IS ALL

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  • The best title for this passage is _____

    [单选题]The best title for this passage is ______.A. Urban RenewalB. Suburban SprawlC. Effects of the Move to the SuburbsD. Development of the Suburbs

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  • The best title for the passage is _____.

    [单选题]The best title for the passage is _____.[A] Education and Progress[B] Old and New Social Norms[C] New Education: Opportunities for More[D] Demerits of Hierarchical Society

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  • The best title for this selection is ___

    [单选题]The best title for this selection is ______.A. The "Post Paid" ErrorB. The Two Penny BlueC. A Rare StampD. How Mauritius Became Famous

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  • 〈title〉〈/title〉标记必须包含在()标记中。