

This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year’s Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》). It is the traditional music played during the New Year’s celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.

The words “auld lang syne” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published (出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.

The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year’s Eve. The version (译文) you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.


51. This passage is from__________________.

A. a newspaper. B. a magazine. C. a TV program. D.a radio program.



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  • 根据下面资料,回答Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting sheep, or have a stiff drink or pop an al

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  • 查看答案
  • 根据下面资料,回答Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting sheep, or have a stiff drink or pop an al

    [单选题]根据下面资料,回答Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting sheep, or have a

  • 查看答案
  • 根据下面资料,回答Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting sheep, or have a stiff drink or pop an al

    [单选题]根据下面资料,回答Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting sheep, or have a

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  • From the passage, we know that The song

    [单选题]F.rom the passage, we know that The song Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA _A. On New Year’s Eve. B. On Christmas Eve. C. On weekends. D. On holidays.

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  • The song Auld Lang Syne is about _______

    [单选题]The song Auld Lang Syne is about ____________.A. the history of Scotland B. an old Scottish poetC. the need to remember old friends D. the wishes to the radio friends

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  • B This is a song millions of Americans w