
英文“local area network”的含义是“()”。

A .广域网

B .虚拟专网

C .信号网

D .局域网



A local area network(LAN)is the communi

[单选题]A local area network(LAN)is the communication of a number of computers by (66) connecting to each one in a single location,usually a single floor of a building or all the computers in a small company.(66) A.lineB.cableC.copperD.copper cash

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  • A local area network(LAN)is the communic

    [单选题]A. local area network(LAN)is the communication of a number of computers by(68)connecting to each one in a single location, usually a single floor of a building or all the computers in a small company.A.lineB.cableC.copperD.copper cash

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  • A local area network(LAN)is the communic

    [单选题]A. local area network(LAN)is the communication of a number of computers by(66)connecting to each one in a single location, usually a single floor of a building or all the computers in a small company.A.lineB.cableC.copperD.copper cash

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  • 英译中:Local Area Network

    [名词解释] 英译中:Local Area Network

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  • 无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network)是以射频()

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  • VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)即虚拟局域网是一

    [判断题] VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)即虚拟局域网是一种通过将局域网内的设备逻辑而不是物理划分成一个个网段从而实现虚拟工作组的技术。A . 正确B . 错误

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  • A local area network (LAN) is the communication of a number of computers by connecting to each one i

    [单选题]A local area network (LAN) is the communication of a number of computers by

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  • WLAN是Wireless Local Area NetWork的缩写,中文名称

    [填空题] WLAN是Wireless Local Area NetWork的缩写,中文名称为(),指应用无线通信技术将计算机设备互联起来,客户可通过()、()、PDA、()等终端以WLAN随时随地接入互联网和企业网,获取信息、娱乐或进行办公。

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  • 本地网(local telephone network)

    [名词解释] 本地网(local telephone network)

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  • 英文“local area network”的含义是“()”。