
LMS(Learning Management System学习管理系统)



管理信息系统(MIS,management Information system

[填空题] 管理信息系统(MIS,management Information system)是在()上发展起来的,它对管理信息进行收集、传递、储存与处理,形成多用户共享系统,直接为基层和各级管理部门服务。

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  • 管理信息系统MIS是英文:Management()System的缩写。

    [填空题] 管理信息系统MIS是英文:Management()System的缩写。

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  • AIX的高级系统管理工具System Management Interface

    [填空题] AIX的高级系统管理工具System Management Interface Tool可提供一级菜单驱动程序,完成诸如软件安装、设置、管理等。在ASCII终端上启动该管理工具的命令是()。

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  • 环境管理体系(Environmental Management System)

    [名词解释] 环境管理体系(Environmental Management System)

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  • Configuration management system can be

    [单选题] Configuration management system can be used in defining approval levels for authorizing changes and providing a method to validate approved changes.(74) is not a project configuration management tool.(74)A.Rational ClearcaseB.Quality Function Deploy

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  • ()is the management system to control th

    [单选题]()is the management system to control the material consumed reduce inventory in the manufacture company.A .DPRB .LPRC .MRPD . D.ERP

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  • Configuration management system can be u

    [单选题]Configuration management system can be used in defining approval levels for authorizing changes and providing a method to validate approved changes.()is not a project configuration management tool.A . RationalClearcaseB . QualityFunctionDeploymentC .

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  • Network management system doesn't have w

    [单选题]Network management system doesn't have which?()A . billing&chargingB . All technologyC . multi vendor

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  • 数据库系统从_________的基础上发展起来,是管理信息系统(Management Information System, MIS)的基础。

    [问答题]数据库系统从_________的基础上发展起来,是管理信息系统(Management Information System, MIS)的基础。

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  • An ERP management information system integrates several areas such asplanning, purchasing( )etc.

    [多选题]An ERP management information system integrates several areas such asplanni

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  • LMS(Learning Management System学习管理系统)