
The Pentium includes hardware for both segmentation and paging.Both mechanisms can be disabled,allowing the user to choose from four distinct views of memory.Now the most frequently used view(such as UNIX System V)is (67) .(67)

A.Unsegmented unpaged memory

B.Unsegmented paged memory

C.Segmented unpaged memory

D.Segmented paged memory



The Pentium includes hardware for both s

[单选题]The Pentium includes hardware for both segmentation and paging. Both mechanisms can be disabled, allowing the user to choose from four distinct views of memory. Now the most frequently used view(such as Unix System V) isA.Unsegmented unpaged memoryB.

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    [名词解释] HARDWARE

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  • But the hardware is designed to use even

    [试题]B.ut the hardware is designed to use even()power than other schemes, making it especially appropriate for such things as RFID tags, which must work for years()any external power source.A.most B.more C.less D.otherA.with B.without C.as D.than

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  • Tile hardware are the parts of computer

    [单选题]Tile hardware are the parts of computer itself including the(71)(CPU)and related microchips and micro -circuitry, keyboards, monitors, case and(72)(including floppy, hard, CD, DVD, optical, tape, etc...). Other extra parts called(73)or devices includ

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  • hardware address硬件地址

    [名词解释] hardware address硬件地址

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  • The data ______ includes the function of

    [单选题]The data ______ includes the function of updating data on a database, and retrieving data from a database.A.managementB.storageC.analysisD.CommunicationA.B.C.D.

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  • Container transport includes ( ).

    [单选题]Container transport includes ( ).A.CFL and LCLB.FCL and LCLC.LFC and LLCD.A

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  • Container transport includes ( ).

    [单选题]Container transport includes ( ).A.CFL and LCLB.FCL and LCLC.LFC and LLCD.A

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  • But het hardware is designed to use even

    [单选题]B.ut het hardware is designed to use even (95) power than other schemes, making it especially appropriate for such things as RFID tags, which must work for years (96) any external power sourcA.mostB.moreC.lessD.other

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  • Computer hardware engineers research, de

    [单选题]C.omputer hardware engineers research, design, develop, and test computer hardware and supervise its manufacture and(73). Hardware refers to computer(74), circuit boards, computer systems, and related equipment such as keyboards, modems, and printers

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  • The Pentium includes hardware for both