[单选题]《phychopass》中常守朱的声优是()A . 高桥铃音B . 高森奈津美C . 花泽香菜D . 佐仓绫音
[单选题]以下()声优不是游戏《starrysky》的声优?A . 绿川光B . 小野大辅C . 宫野真守D . 森川智之
[填空题] 吉田松阳的声优是()
[填空题] 晓美焰的声优是?()
[填空题] 被称为神谷娘娘的是声优()
[填空题] 初代萌王的声优是()
[问答题] 旋涡鸣人的声优是谁?
[单选题]It is not stated but implied in the passage that ______.A. Ellsworth Huntington is a fortune-teller rather than a scientistB. cool weather is more effective on man's creative thinkingC. certain elements in nature are more active in one season than i