
homology modeling




[名词解释] Homology(同源)

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  • The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-orientedsoftware.

    [单选题]The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling

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  • The Unified Modeling Language is a stand

    [单选题]The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software______can show the behavior. of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.A.Class diagramB.Component diagramC.Sequence diagramD.Use cas

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  • The Unified Modeling Language is a stand

    [单选题]The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software()can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.A . ClassdiagramB . ComponentdiagramC . SequencediagramD . Use cas

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  • MMDB(Molecular Modeling Database)

    [名词解释] MMDB(Molecular Modeling Database)

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  • For neady ten years,the Unified Modeling

    [单选题]F.or neady ten years,the Unified Modeling Language(UML)has been the industry standardfor visualizing,specifying,constructing,and documenting the(S1)of a software-intensivesystem.As the(S2)standard modeling language,the UML facilitates communication a

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  • Box Modeling建模的缺点是()。

    [单选题]Box Modeling建模的缺点是()。A . 过于深奥,初学者难以涉猎B . 速度不太理想C . 3ds max中NURBS还不太完善D . 以上说法都正确

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  • 简述VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language

    VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)即虚拟现实建模语言。是一种用于建立真实世界的场景模型或人们虚构的三维世界的场景建模语言,也具有平台无关性。是目前Internet上基于 WWW的三维互动网站制作的主流语言。简述VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)定义及功能。

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  • 在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)

    [单选题] 在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)中,描述本系统与外部系统及用户之间交互的图是 (34) ;按时间顺序描述对象间交互的图是 (35) 。(34)A. 用例图B. 类图C. 对象图D. 状态图(35)A. 部署图B. 序列图C. 协作图D. 状态图

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  • 在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)中,

    [单选题]在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)中,描述本系统与外部系统及用户之间交互的图是(34);按时间顺序描述对象间交互的图是(35)。A.用例图B.类图C.对象图D.状态图

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  • homology modeling