
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) is a(46)document messaging standard in the Internet enviroment, with MIME, users can send(47)Email messages that include audio, video, graph-ices, and text to any other user of a TCP/IP network. Richtext information can also be(48)into messages. It defines the fonts, formats, and(49)features of a document so the document can be easily(50)on many different types of systems.







Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MI

[单选题]Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) is a (71) document messaging standard in theInternet enviroment.With MIME,users can send (72) Email messages that include audio,video,graphices,and text to any other user of TC/IP network.Richtext informati

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  • Internet中,发送E-mail的标准协议是()。

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  • 在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括____。


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  • 在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括( )。

    [单选题]在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括( )。A.SMTPB.POP3C.ARPD.IMAP

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    [单选题]在以下协议中,()不是internet收发E—MAIL的协议。A . RARPB . POP3C . SMTPD . IMAP

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  • 在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括()

    [单选题]在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括()A . SMTPB . POP3C . telnetD . IMAP

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  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MI