
please show the CMOS inverter schmatic,layout and its cross sectionwith P-well process.Plot its transfer curve (Vout-Vin) And also explain the operation region of PMOS and NMOS for each segment of the transfer curve? (威盛笔试题c ircuit design-beijing-03.11.09)




[判断题] “请出示您的机票”的英文是“WOULD YOU PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR TICKET ”。A . 正确B . 错误

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  • CMOS

    [名词解释] CMOS

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  • 见红(show)

    [名词解释] 见红(show)

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  • 见红(show)

    [名词解释] 见红(show)

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  • please show the CMOS inverter schmatic,l