
This problem is beyond his ability and he can not ________ it.

    A.slip B.pack C.gain D.solve




This problem is _____his ability and I don’t think he can solve it.

[单选题]This problem is _____his ability and I don’t think he can solve it.A.ToB.in

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    [单选题]His experience abroad provides a wider __________on the problem.A.privilege

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    [单选题]Not that John doesn′t want to help you,______ it′ s beyond his power.A.but

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  • A of B for C beyond D into

    [单选题]A. ofB. forC. beyondD. into

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  • The test results are beyond ; they have


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  • His legs were so weak that he could h___

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  • Furthermore, humans have the ability to

    [试题]F.urthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.

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  • This problem is beyond his ability and h