
A.ll flights _________ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

A.) had been canceled               B) have been canceled

C.) were canceled                   D) having been canceled




Mary ______ in bed all day because she h

[单选题]Mary ______ in bed all day because she had a fever.A. layB. has laidC. has lainD. laid

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    [问答题]We all like her because she is very helpful.

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    [单选题]Because his workplace was so busy and noisy,he longed most of all for______

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  • 设关系R(SNO,SNAME,DNO,MAG),主键为SNO。其中,SNO为学号


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  • 设关系R(SNO,SNAME,DNO,MAG),主键为SNO。其中SNO为学生号


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  • 16) 设有关系 SC(SNO,CNO,GRADE), 其中 SNO 、 CNO

    [单选题]16) 设有关系 SC(SNO,CNO,GRADE), 其中 SNO 、 CNO 分别表示学号和课程号 ( 两者均为字符型 ) ,GRADE 表示成绩 ( 数值型 ) 。若要把学号为 “ S101 ” 的同学,选修课程号为 “ C11 ” , 成绩为 98 分的记录插入到SC 中 ,正确的语句是A.)INSERT INTO SC(SNO,CNO,GRADE) VALUES ( 'S101' , 'C11' , '98' )B.)INSERT INTO SC(SNO,CNO,GRADE

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  • All flights _________ because of the sno