
The objectives of the ISM Code are to ensure ①safety at sea②prevention of human injury or loss of life③avoidance of damage to the marine environment and to property







The requirements of the ISM Code may be

[单选题]The requirements of the ISM Code may be applied toA.only oil tankersB.only passenger shipsC.only containersD.all kinds of ships

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  • ISM Code.在()通过。

    [单选题]ISM Code.在()通过。A . 1993.7.1B . 1994.5.24C . 1995.7.1D . 1996.7.1

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  • 我国政府规定,对船舶实施ISM Code认证工作由()执行,对船公司实施ISM

    [单选题]我国政府规定,对船舶实施ISM Code认证工作由()执行,对船公司实施ISM Code认证工作由()执行。A . 中华人民共和国海事局/中国船级社B . 中国船级社/中华人民共和国交通运输部C . 中华人民共和国海事局或船级社/中华人民共和国交通运输部D . 中国船级社/中华人民共和国海事局

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  • FIATA,s main objectives are ( ).

    [多选题]FIATA,s main objectives are ( ).A.to unite the freight forwarding industry

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  • FIATA,s main objectives are ( ).

    [多选题]FIATA,s main objectives are ( ).A.to unite the freight forwarding industry

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  • (b) Mabel has two objectives when making

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  • International Code for the Construction

    [单选题]International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) of______.A.SOLASB.MARPOLC.STCWD.Ballast Water convention

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  • 条码 bar code

    [名词解释] 条码 bar code

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  • The objectives of the ISM Code are to en