





[填空题] 在Excel2002中,AVERAGE(number1,number2,…)返回()。

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  • Oracle中数值1234567.89,如果放入Number(9,3)类型的变量

    [单选题]Oracle中数值1234567.89,如果放入Number(9,3)类型的变量中,存储的值是()A . 1234567.890B . 1234567.9C . 1234567.89D . 会报Numberic error

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  • xcel中,Max(number1,number2,…)函数的作用是(32)。


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  • 英译中:Number plate

    [名词解释] 英译中:Number plate

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  • 英译中:Batch number

    [名词解释] 英译中:Batch number

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  • The number of students who _____________

    [单选题]The number of students who _____________ the English club ______20.A. take part in, is B. join, are C. take part in, are D. join, is

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  • The store had to ___________ a number of


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  • The actual number of the victim in this

    [试题]The actual number of the victim in this case of information theft may be just 1,600 or less.

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  • What number is ______ bus?

    [单选题]What number is ______ bus?A.JimB.Jim isC.Jim'sD.Jims'

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  • 2.—What's your _______ number? —________

    [单选题]2.—What's your _______ number?—________347- 5186.A. phone ;He'sB. bike ;That'sC. phone ;It'sD. bike's ;It's

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  • oracle的number(8),number(8,2)对应hibernate中