
(71)data effectively is crucial for success in today's competitive environment Managers must know how to use a variety of tools Integrated data takes information from different sources and puts it together in a meaningful and useful way One of the difficulties of this is the(72)in hardware and software(73)integration uses a base document that contains copies of other objects(74)integration uses a base document that contains the current or most recent version of the source document it contains(75)provides an overview of the program written in"plain"English,without the computer syntax(71)A.Generalizing B.Sharing C.General using D.Globalizing(72)A.similarity B.interoperability C.diversity D.interaction(73)A.Simulated B.Duplicated C.Dynamic D.Static(74)A.Linked B.Pointed C.Dynamic D.Static(75)A.High-leve language B.Decision tree

C.Pseudocode D.Flowchart



data effectively is crucial for success

[单选题]data effectively is crucial for success in today's competitive environment. Managers must know how to use a variety of tools. Integrated data takes information from different sources and puts it together in a meaningful and useful way. One of the di

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  • A(71) is a data type whose major attribu

    [单选题]A.(71) is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most(72). Such a structure is said to have a l

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  • The most [crucial]issue at present is how to solve the problem of food safety.

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  • (71)data effectively is crucial for suc