due and identify any further issues relevant to Galileo relating to the payments. (3 marks)
[试题](ii) Explain why the disclosure of voluntary information in annual reports can enhance the company’saccountability to equity investors. (4 marks)
[单选题]Why was David able to get the job in the company?A.He had done well in all his exams.B.He had written some computer programs.C.He was good at playing computer games.D.He had learnt to use computers at schoo1.
[单选题]Why was David able to get the job in the company?A. He had done well in all his exams.B. He had written some computer programs.C. He was good at playing computer games.D. He had learnt to use computers at school.
[试题](b) Explain why Oliver might legitimately feel he has a grievance against his manager and identify which aspectsof the formal disciplinary procedure David Morgan did not follow or allow in this case. (9 marks)
[试题](ii) Explain the organisational factors that determine the need for internal audit in public listed companies.(5 marks)
[试题](ii) Explain, with reasons, the relief available in respect of the fall in value of the shares in All Over plc,identify the years in which it can be claimed and state the time limit for submitting the claim.(3 marks)
[试题](ii) Briefly explain the implications of Parr & Co’s audit opinion for your audit opinion on the consolidatedfinancial statements of Cleeves Co for the year ended 30 September 2006. (3 marks)
[试题](ii) Identify and explain the principal audit procedures to be performed on the valuation of the investmentproperties. (6 marks)
[试题](ii) Identify and explain the potential financial statement risks caused by the breach of planning regulationsdiscussed in the press cutting. (6 marks)
[试题](b) Explain why making sales of Sabals in North America will have no effect on Nikau Ltd’s ability to recover itsinput tax. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year to 31 March 2007will c