
(b) Illustrate how you might use analytical procedures to provide audit evidence and reduce the level of detailed

substantive procedures. (7 marks)



(d) Estimate by how much the bid might b

[试题](d) Estimate by how much the bid might be increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth, and discuss whether or not the directors of Paxis should proceed with the bid. (5 marks)

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  • (b) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re

    [试题](b) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its upstream supply chain to address the problems identifiedin the scenario. (10 marks)

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  • (b) How might the marketing mix vary bet

    [试题](b) How might the marketing mix vary between the three channels Helen is considering using? (8 marks)

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  • (b) Explain how the use of SWOT analysis

    [试题](b) Explain how the use of SWOT analysis may be of assistance to the management of Diverse Holdings Plc.(3 marks)

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people around you ?<br />

    [单选题]Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机) without being rude to the people

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  • (b) Illustrate how you might use analyti