
以色列总理沙龙提出的“Justice has been done”属于___正义。



A great deal has been done to remedy the

[单选题]A. great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A.maintainB.improveC.assessD.protect

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    [单选题]以色列议会于2004年10月26日通过了沙龙总理提出的计划。根据计划,以色列将在2005年底前撤出加沙地带所有的犹太人定居点和约旦河西岸4个定居点。这一计划称为A.双边行动计划 B、单边行动计划C.“路线图”计划D、中东和平计划

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  • He [confesses]that he has done it.

    [单选题]He [confesses]that he has done it.A.agreesB.allegesC.admitsD.answers

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  • He [confesses]that he has done it.

    [单选题]He [confesses]that he has done it.A.agreesB. allegesC. admitsD. answers

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  • 以色列总理沙龙提出的“Justice has been done”属于___正义