
A.) trembled

B.) grimaced

C.) smiled

D.) winked




[单选题]Win7中Win+D功能是()。A . 打开运行对话框B . 新建一个文档C . 显示桌面D . 打开查找窗口

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  • My legs [trembled]with fear.

    [单选题]My legs [trembled]with fear.A.weptB.criedC.quiveredD.ran

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  • What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”?( )

    [单选题]What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”?( )A.ExocentricB.

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  • What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”?( )

    [单选题]What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”?( )A.ExocentricB.

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  • 若将D=B* B£­4*A*C改为D=A*A£«B*B£­C*C,则D的输出结果

    [单选题]若将D=B* B-4*A*C改为D=A*A+B*B-C*C,则D的输出结果为 ______。A.0B.1C.2D.3

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  • windows7中,WIN£«D的快捷功能是( )

    [单选题]windows7中,WIN+D的快捷功能是( )A.切换B.永久删除C.打开我的电脑D.返回桌面

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  • 若将D=B*B£­4*A*C改为D=A*A£­B*C,则D的输出结果为 ____

    [单选题]若将D=B*B-4*A*C改为D=A*A-B*C,则D的输出结果为 ______。A.0B.1C.2D.3

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  • 乳牙常见的萌出顺序A、A→B→C→D→EB、A→B→D→C→EC、A→B→C→E


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  • 已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。

    [单选题]已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。A.1502B

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  • A) trembled B) grimaced C) smiled D) win