
A.) affected

B.) respected

C.) protected

D.) connected



Miss Bean respected the author by ______

[单选题]Miss Bean respected the author by ________.A. giving him chances to answer questionsB. hitting him with a eraserC. giving him extra lessonsD. treating him as one of her students

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  • He [longed] to befamous and respected.

    [单选题]He [longed] to befamous and respected.A.hopedB.wantedC.was eagerD.wished

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  • The height of the tide is affected by al

    [单选题]The height of the tide is affected by all of the following EXCEPT______.A. the position of the sunB. channels in the sea bottomC. the direction of the windD. variations in the coast line

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  • 若有如下类定义:class B{ void funl(){}protected:

    [单选题]若有如下类定义: class B{ void funl(){} protected: double varl: public: void fun2(){} }; class D:public B{ protected: void fun3(){} }; 已知obj是类D的对象,下列语句中不违反类成员访问控制权限的是( )。A.obj.funl();B.obj.varl;C.obj.fun2();D.obj.fun3();

  • 查看答案
  • Financial risk is most likely affected by:

    [单选题]Financial risk is most likely affected by:A.dividendsB.long-term leasesC.Ge

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  • Financial risk is least likely affected by:

    [单选题]Financial risk is least likely affected by:A.debentures.B.long-term leases.

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  • canine protected occlusion

    [名词解释] canine protected occlusion

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  • The(72)in e£­mail messages has affected

    [单选题]The(72)in e-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the damage of up to US$1 billion in North America.A.illnessB.virusC.weaknessD.attachment

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  • The [deadly]disease has affected these animals.

    [单选题]The [deadly]disease has affected these animals.A.contagiousB.seriousC.fatal

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  • The [deadly]disease has affected these animals.

    [单选题]The [deadly]disease has affected these animals.A.contagiousB.seriousC.fatal

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  • A) affected B) respected C) protected D)