
A.ccording to the author, the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that ______.

A.)we fall to listen carefully when they talk

B.)people tend to be annoyed when we cheek what they say

C.) people usually state one thing hut means another

D.)we tend to doubt what our friends say



According to the author, the reason why

[单选题]A.ccording to the author, the reason why parental divorce has greater effect on boys than on girls is that_____.[A] all cultures encourage male aggression and noncompliance[B] boys are always involved in their parents’ fights[C] males are usually vie

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  • According to the author, the department

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author, the department stores of the 19th centuryA.played a role in the spread of popular culture. B.became intimate shops for common consumers. C.satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite. D.owed its emergence to the culture of

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  • According to the author, the department

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author, the department stores of the 19th century ________.[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture[B] became intimate shops for common consumers[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite[D] owed its emergence to the

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  • The reason why more and more of the larg

    [单选题]The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is .A.they operate between 150 and 450 rpmB.they are connected to the propeller by gearingC.their smaller size and weightD.they can be connect

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  • The reason why the bread advertisement i

    [单选题]The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that______.A. thin slices of bread could contain more caloriesB. the loaf was cut into regular slicesC. the bread was not genuine breadD. the total number of calories in the loaf remained the sa

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  • According to the author, most of the tim

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author, most of the time we don't know __________.A. what happiness isB. how to take care of kidsC. what brings happiness to usD. how to give our kids lasting happiness

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  • According to the author,handwritten note

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author,handwritten notes _______.A. are harder to teach in schoolsB. attract more attentionC. are used only between friendsD. carry more message

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  • According to the author, one of the driv

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author, one of the driving forces behind M&A wave is _______ .A. the greater customer demandsB. a surplus supply for the marketC. a growing productivityD. the increase of the world's wealth

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  • According to the author, happiness lies

    [试题]A.ccording to the author, happiness lies in______.

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  • According to the author, in order to sta

    [单选题]A.ccording to the author, in order to stay young and attractive, women should______.A. follow the fashionB. enrich their mindC. do more exerciseD. dress up in beautiful clothes

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  • According to the author, the reason why