
Parents can have a great impact on the development of their children's creativity in art. But first,they have to know how. They may find the following advice interesting and instructive.

E.ncourage free drawing rather than coloring books. Coloring books stop the possibility of self-expression. A child may just enjoy colorful pictures and never learn how to express himself. As an art teacher says,“Children have a very powerful instinct to draw freely and roughly. Such practice makes them learn language easily. ”In fact,a child expresses himself in rough drawing. This is the beginning of literacy and creativity. Also,parents should not teach their kids“how”to draw and they should not make their kids draw realistic pictures to entertain themselves. Experience tells us that such teaching from the parents will discourage children,making them think they can't do it the “right”way.

C.ompetition and rewards should also be avoided in the process of artistic creation. A child's natural instinct to create will disappear if he or she thinks about prize while drawing.

Parents should be role models for their kids. They should not say things like,“I can't draw a straight line. ”Instead,they should learn to say,“I love to create. ”This teaches children that the process of creation is more important than the product. If children see their parents drawing,cooking or building creatively,they will do the same.

B.uy a notebook for your child to use every day. This can be a journal for making up stories,writing ideas and drawing pictures. Even the youngest child can use it to draw freely and roughly,expressing himself.

Take your child to places that promote ideas and creativity. Art museums,science centers,libraries and children's museums all are great places to see other people's creativity. That will inspire children to make their own creations and inventions.

G.ive children choices and free time. Some of the best ideas come from daydreaming and imagining.

In short,parents should allow their kids to have the freedom to invent for themselves. That means not always teaching and commanding.

To develop their artistic creativity,children should be encouraged to______.

A.draw freely and roughly

B.learn to draw realistic pictures

C.know how to draw before they start

D.learn to draw good pictures to get prizes



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