
C.FR,全称Cost and Freight(named port of destination)



CFR,全称Cost and Freight(named port of des

[名词解释] CFR,全称Cost and Freight(named port of destination)

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  • CFR是Cost and Freight的缩写,意为成本加保险费和运费。

    [判断题] CFR是Cost and Freight的缩写,意为成本加保险费和运费。A . 正确B . 错误

  • 查看答案
  • ( ) are rates which are applicable to named types ofair freight or some named commodities.

    [单选题]( ) are rates which are applicable to named types ofair freight or some nam

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  • ( ) are rates which are applicable to named types ofair freight or some named commodities.

    [单选题]( ) are rates which are applicable to named types ofair freight or some nam

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  • When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of the consigneebasis on the CFR trade term,

    [多选题]When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of the consigneebasi

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  • When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of theconsignee basis on the CFR trade term,

    [多选题]When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of theconsignee basi

  • 查看答案
  • Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriagenecessary to bring the goo

    [单选题]Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriagen

  • 查看答案
  • Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriagenecessary to bring the goo

    [单选题]Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriagen

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  • CFR贸易术语的英文全称是CarriagePaidTO(…namedportofdestination)。()


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  • 价格条件为CFR/CIF时,海运提单上应有“Freight Prepaid”字样,FCA/FOB条件时,应有“Freight Collect”字样。(  )

    [判断题]价格条件为CFR/CIF时,海运提单上应有“Freight Prepaid”字样,FCA/FOB条件时,应有“Freight Collect”字样。(

  • 查看答案
  • CFR,全称Cost and Freight(named port of des