
WWW is a large network of Internet servers providing (75) and other services to terminals running client applications such as a browser.(75)







WWW is a large network of internet ser

[单选题] WWW is a large network of internet servers providing (75)and other services to terminals running client applications such as a browser.(75) A. modemB. compressionC. hypertextD. encode

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  • WWW is a large network of Internet servers providing ( )and other services to terminals running clie

    [单选题]WWW is a large network of Internet servers providing ( )and other services

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  • A sensor network is ( ) of a large numbe

    [单选题]A. sensor network is ( ) of a large number of sensor nodes that are densely deployed ( ) inside the phenomenon or very close to it.A.part B.consist C.consisted D.composed A.either B.from C.at D.of

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  • The Internet is a(66)network of networks

    [单选题]The Internet is a(66)network of networks which interconnects(67)ranging from the simplest personal computers to the most sophisticated mainframes and supercomputers. This network of networks is used for an extraordinary range of purposes - long dista

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  • A sensor network is(9.1)of a large number of sensor nodes that are denselydeployed(9.2)inside the ph

    [单选题]A sensor network is(9.1)of a large number of sensor nodes that are denselyd

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  • A sensor network is(9.1)of a large number of sensor nodes that are denselydeployed(9.2)inside the ph

    [单选题]A sensor network is(9.1)of a large number of sensor nodes that are denselyd

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  • 利用Internet Explorer浏览WWW时()。

    [单选题]利用Internet Explorer浏览WWW时()。A . 要进入新的站点页面,必须在地址栏中输入新站点的域名B . 只能看到页面的文字的图片,不能播放音乐、动画和电影C . 只能查看扩展名为.htm或.html的文件D . 若使用脱机浏览方式,就不能浏览Internet网站新发布的信息

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  • 在Internet中,WWW的含义是______。 关于Internet的概念叙


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  • WWW是Internet上的一种()。

    [单选题]WWW是Internet上的一种()。A . 服务B . 协议C . 协议集D . 系统

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  • WWW是Internet上最流行的()工具。

    [主观题]WWW是Internet上最流行的( )工具。

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  • WWW is a large network of Internet serv