
F.rom the fifth paragraph we can infer that

A.the author has never been afraid of changes in his life

B.the author used to believe that changes happened automaticallv

C.the author is still not satisfied with his present situation

D.the author and experienced a period of frustration of his life



We can infer from the third paragraph th

[单选题]We can infer from the third paragraph that _____.[A] rich people are more interested in cloning humans than animals[B] cloning of animal pets is becoming a prosperous industry[C] there is no distinction between a cloned and a natural dog[D] Missy’s m

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  • We can infer from the third paragraph th

    [单选题]We can infer from the third paragraph that .[A] rich people are more interested in cloning humans than animals[B] cloning of animal pets is becoming a prosperous industry[C] there is no distinction between a cloned and a natural dog[D] Missy’s master

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  • From paragraph 4 we can infer that _____

    [单选题]F.rom paragraph 4 we can infer that _______ .A. the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumersB. WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costsC. the costs of the gobalization process are enormousD. the Standard Oil trust mig

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  • We can infer from Paragraph 5 that _____

    [单选题]We can infer from Paragraph 5 that ______.( )[A] home prices has fallen down 28% compared with what's in mid-2006[B] many foreclosed homes have been abandoned by their former owners[C] home prices might fall down 28% fi'om their peak in mid-2006 in

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  • We can infer from the last paragraph tha

    [单选题]We can infer from the last paragraph that the e-nose_____.A. is unable to tell the smell of flowersB. is not yet used in greenhousesC. is designed by scientists at PurdueD. is helpful in killing harmful insects

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  • We can infer from the last paragraph tha

    [单选题]We can infer from the last paragraph that______( )[A]upturned noses will soon be considered beautiful[B]defects in facial features may someday be popular[C]p]astic surgery is a well.developed industry[D]people should be confident of their appearance

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  • We can infer from the second paragraph that Mexican workers now __________.

    [单选题]We can infer from the second paragraph that Mexican workers now __________.

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  • From the second paragraph, we can see th

    [单选题]F.rom the second paragraph, we can see that in the early years,______.A. those colleges and universities were the sameB. people, young or old, might study in the collegesC. students studied only some languages and scienceD. when the students finished

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  • From the first paragraph we can learn th

    [单选题]F.rom the first paragraph we can learn that ______.A.) very few people have the sensitivity of the blind'B.) blind people can manage to see things, but not clearlyC.) not everybody sees with his eyesD.) it is possible to narrow the photosensitive ar

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  • From the conversation we can infer that

    [主观题]F.rom the conversation we can infer that the potential buyer would probably place a big order if the seller offer of at least 10 percent.

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  • From the fifth paragraph we can infer th