
Passage Three

F.or some time after the Spanish won Granada from the Moors, Spanish kings enjoyed visiting that delightful city. After many years, however, they were frightened away by a series of earthquakes, during which several houses fell to the ground, and the old towers shook to their foundations.

A.fter that, many years passed without visits from royal guests. The noble palaces of Granada remained silent and closed, and that loveliest of palaces, the Alhambra, lay sadly alone with no one to care for its beautiful gardens. People no longer visited the tower where once three beautiful Moorish princesses had lived. Only birds and insects found their way to those tower rooms which had once been the home of the king's lovely daughters. Zayda, Zorayda, and Zorahayda. It was said that the spirit of the youthful princess Zorahayda, who had died in that tower, was often seen by moonlight, seated beside the fountain in the hall, or weeping beside the high stone wall. It was said that the music of her silver lute could be heard at midnight by travelers passing along the road.

A.fter many years, the city of Granada was honored once again by royal guests. All the world knows that

King Philip V married Elizabeth or Isabella (for they are the same), the beautiful princess of Parma. For a visit of his famous couple, the Alhambra palace was repaired and made ready, with all possible speed, when the king and queen arrived with all the lords and ladies of their court, there was a great change in the lonely palace. Drums and roy- al music were heard, fine horses were ridden about the avenues and inner court, brightly colored flags again were flown above the ancient walls. Inside the palace, however, life was quiet and calm. There was the soft sound of long robes, and the careful steps and murmuring voices of those who respectfully served the king and queen. In the gardens there was soft music, and there was quiet talk among the young lords and ladies of the court.

44. According to the passage, which is not true during the earthquake?

A. Several houses fell to the ground.

B. The old tower shook to their foundations.

C. Spanish kings were frightened away.

D. Spanish won Granada.



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