
3. —What’s your favorite_________?


A. color

B. sport

C. subject

D. day



What was your favorite subject in high s

[主观题]What was your favorite subject in high school?

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  • 48. —What's your favorite subject, Mike?

    [单选题]48. —What's your favorite subject, Mike?—_______. It’s interesting.A.ToysB.MathC.T-shirtsD.E-mail

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  • Passage Two What is your favorite color?

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  • 3. —How far is your cousin's home from h

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  • What's the problem with your bike?

    [单选题]What's the problem with your bike?A.Not at all.B.Good, thank you.C.Nothing

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  • 10. —What’ s your_________? —It's cindyj

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  • 3. —Tony,your bag is still on your desk.

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  • A:What’s your()(名字),please?B:My name is

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  • 2.—What's your _______ number? —________

    [单选题]2.—What's your _______ number?—________347- 5186.A. phone ;He'sB. bike ;That'sC. phone ;It'sD. bike's ;It's

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  • 3. —What’s your favorite_________? —Blue