
10. —If you don't mind, pass me_________ apple, please.

—OK. Here you are.







If you don't mind, I _____do my homework than play cards with you.

[单选题]If you don't mind, I _____do my homework than play cards with you.A.hadbett

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  • Excuse me.I don't want to interrupt you but_______

    [单选题]Excuse me.I don't want to interrupt you but_______A.can I help you?B.certai

  • 查看答案
  • Don't [hesitate]to call me if there is anything I can do for you.

    [单选题]Don't [hesitate]to call me if there is anything I can do for you.A.pauseB.r

  • 查看答案
  • I don't mind ______ the decision as long

    [单选题]I don't mind ______ the decision as long ?Idon'tmind______thedecisionaslongasitisnottoolate.A)youtodelaymakingB)yourdelayingmakingC)yourdelayingtomakeD)youdelaytomake

  • 查看答案
  • ()Don’t you mind me opening the window?

    [问答题]()Don’t you mind me opening the window?

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  • I would like to do the job ________ you don't force me tostudy.

    [单选题]I would like to do the job ________ you don't force me tostudy.A.in case B.

  • 查看答案
  • Don't forget to post the letter for me,_

    [单选题]D.on't forget to post the letter for me,______?A. do youB. will youC. are youD. can you

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  • If you don't give ______smoking, you'll

    [单选题]If you don't give ______smoking, you'll never get better.A. offB. upC. outD. in

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  • If you don't like to swim, you _____ sta

    [试题]If you don't like to swim, you _____ stay at homeIfyoudon'tliketoswim,you_____stayathome.(A)shouldaswell(B)mayaswell(C)canaswell(D)wouldaswell

  • 查看答案
  • If you don't like to swim, you _____ sta

    [试题]If you don't like to swim, you _____ stay at home.Ifyoudon'tliketoswim,you_____stayathome.(A)shouldaswell(B)mayaswell(C)canaswell(D)wouldaswell

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  • 10. —If you don't mind, pass me_________