
The Chinese government has given some_______ (medicine) equipment to some African coun-tries



The Chinese government has taken ________ to prevent the spread of the bird flu.

[单选题]The Chinese government has taken ________ to prevent the spread of the bird

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  • It has beenrevealed that some government leaders [ill-used] their authority and positionto get illeg

    [单选题]It has beenrevealed that some government leaders [ill-used] their authority

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  • The government has promised to commit it

    [单选题]The government has promised to commit itself to ________ peace. A. keep B. be kept C. keeping D. being kept

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  • COne day when some government officials

    [单选题]C.One day when some government officials were rebuilding a barn(谷仓),they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out.A while later they indeed saw mice running out,one after another.Then,everyone though

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  • The government has taken measures to red

    [主观题]The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy _consumption__(consume).

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  • Suppose a given binary tree has 10 leaf

    [单选题]Suppose a given binary tree has 10 leaf nodes, the number of nodes with degree of 2 isA.12B.11C.9D.Indeterminable

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  • Suppose a given binary tree has 10 left

    [单选题]Suppose a given binary tree has 10 left nodes,then the number of nodes with degree of 2 isA.12B.11C.9D.Indeterminable

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  • Some states have an income tax __________to that of the federal government.

    [单选题]Some states have an income tax __________to that of the federal government.

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  • It has been revealed that some governmen


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  • Some states have an income tax ______ tothat of the federal government.

    [单选题]Some states have an income tax ______ tothat of the federal government.A.sa

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  • The Chinese government has given some___