
[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight



Disney is an amusement park _____you can

[单选题]D.isney is an amusement park _____you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters.A. which B. where C. that D. when

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  • ______the news, she jumped with joy.

    [单选题]______the news, she jumped with joy.A. HeardB. HearingC. To hearD. To be heard

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  • happy和joy的区别?

    joy 多用语享受时的乐趣, 而happy 用开心、快乐等这种心情方面!happy和joy的区别?

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  • The study showsthat joy is not [unique] to human beings.

    [单选题]The study showsthat joy is not [unique] to human beings.A.universeB.special

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  • 若将D=B* B£­4*A*C改为D=A*A£«B*B£­C*C,则D的输出结果

    [单选题]若将D=B* B-4*A*C改为D=A*A+B*B-C*C,则D的输出结果为 ______。A.0B.1C.2D.3

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  • 若将D=B*B£­4*A*C改为D=A*A£­B*C,则D的输出结果为 ____

    [单选题]若将D=B*B-4*A*C改为D=A*A-B*C,则D的输出结果为 ______。A.0B.1C.2D.3

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  • It was with great joy __________ Davidreceived the news that his long lost daughter would soon retur

    [单选题]It was with great joy __________ Davidreceived the news that his long lost

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  • 乳牙常见的萌出顺序A、A→B→C→D→EB、A→B→D→C→EC、A→B→C→E


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  • 已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。

    [单选题]已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。A.1502B

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  • 已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。

    [单选题]已知a、b、c、d都是正整数,且a>b>c>d,a+b+c+d=2004,2a-2b+2c-2d=2004,则a+d的最小值是(  )。A.1502B

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  • [A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D]