
11.—The cake looks_________

—Yes 9 and it tastes even_________

A. well,good

B. nice,better

C. good,worse

D. better,best



9. —Can you play basketball? —Yes, I____

[单选题]9. —Can you play basketball?—Yes, I_________ .A. amB. doC. mustD. can

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  • —What do you think of the cake?—I like

    [单选题]—What do you think of the cake?—I like it very much. It tastes _________ .A. good B.terrible C. well

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  • £­£­£­DoyoulikewatchingTV?£­£­£­Yes,I___


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    [单选题]11. —Where is ________ key to the door?—It’s in my pocket.A.aB.theC./D.an

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  • 11.产品要求可由()规定


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  • The cake________ (smell) good.I can£­t w

    [主观题]The cake________ (smell) good.I can-t wait to eat it.

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  • If I find someone who looks like the sus

    [单选题]If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my _______ reaction will be to tell the police.A. physicalB. immediateC. sensitiveD. sudden

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  • £­£­£­£­It looks heavy. Can I give you a

    [单选题]----It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?----_______.A. No, thanksB. Yes, my pleasureC. NO, never mind D. Yes, I do

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    [单选题]John: Hello, Maria!______.Maria: Yes, I'm pretty busy lately. How about your studies?

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  • —Wouldyouliketo__________drink? —Yes,I’d


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  • 11.—The cake looks_________ —Yes 9 and i