
( )5. —How do the students send their homework to their teachers?


A.By fax

B.By faxes

C.By the fax

D.By a fax



5.—How do you spell "quilt"? —_______.

[单选题]5.—How do you spell "quilt"?—_______.A.It's a quilt .B. q-u-i-l-tC. Q- U-I- L-TD. a quilt

  • 查看答案
  • How many students do you teach?<br />- _________

    [单选题]How many students do you teach?- _________A.Quite a bit.B.More boys than gi

  • 查看答案
  • 5. The number of the students in our cla

    [单选题]5. The number of the students in our class_______45.A.areB.isC.to beD.go to

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  • 5. —What do you want to do this Sunday?

    [单选题]5. —What do you want to do this Sunday?—I want to ________ a comedy.A.lookB.look atC.seeD.watch

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  • If a teacher shows students how to do an activity before they start doingit, he/she is using the tec

    [单选题]If a teacher shows students how to do an activity before they start doingit

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  • 5. —How about going out for a walk?—____

    [单选题]5. —How about going out for a walk?—________A.I would beB.I likeC.I doD.l'd like to

  • 查看答案
  • 5.—How many people will come to Shanghai

    [单选题]5.—How many people will come to Shanghai next month?—It's hard to say._______ people,l think.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Three millionsD. Three millions of

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  • 5. —Do you have a volleyball? —________.

    [单选题]5. —Do you have a volleyball?—________.A. Yes, I doB. Yes,l haveC. I doD. Yes, I don-t

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  • 5.—Why do you like playing football? —Be

    [单选题]5.—Why do you like playing football?—Because it's _______ .A.easyB.difficultC.boringD.,relaxing

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  • 5. —What kind of movies do you like? —__

    [单选题]5. —What kind of movies do you like?—________.A. I like comediesB. I like itC.It s scaryD.It s interesting

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  • ( )5. —How do the students send their ho