
4. The big bus can carry__________ more people than that small one.



C.much '




4. People can ________ running everywher

[单选题]4. People can ________ running everywhere. Do you.know what ______ ?A. see; has happenedB. see ; happensC. be seen;is happenedD. be seen;is happening

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  • 4. —This is Mike. Can I _________to Mr L

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    [问答题]While water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.

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  • 4. —Can I help you? —I would like_______

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  • As the bus came round the corner, it ran ______ a big tree by the roadside.

    [单选题]As the bus came round the corner, it ran ______ a big tree by the roadside.

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used is ( ).

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  • Local bus can increase the data through

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used is (70) .(70) A.VESAB.PCIC.MCAD.EISA

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  • Local bus can increase the data throughp

    [单选题]Local bus can increase the data throughput.The bus that is most frequently used isA.VESAB.EISAC.MCAD.PCI

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  • 4. The big bus can carry__________ more