
tell himse secret, never will he talks about it with anybody 78. ____________



He has never seen the Greens and he know

[单选题]H.e has never seen the Greens and he knows ______about them.A. littleB. a littleC. somethingD. anything

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  • He never arrives on time and my ___ ? -


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  • He never arrives on time and my is that


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  • He is faced with a lot of difficulties; ____________ he will never give up.

    [单选题]He is faced with a lot of difficulties; ____________ he will never give up.

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  • William Blake’s lines“Never seek to tell thy love.Love that never told can be.”violate the maxim of_

    [单选题]William Blake’s lines“Never seek to tell thy love.Love that never told can

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  • ______, he never takes anything from his

    [单选题]______, he never takes anything from his neighbors.A. As he is poorB. Poor as he isC. As poor he isD. As is he poor

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  • He never arrives on time and my ___ is t


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  • He never arrives on time and my ___ is t


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  • Tell me since when he ______ in your sch

    [单选题]Tell me since when he ______ in your school.A. taughtB. has taughtC. teachesD. had taught

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  • Tom ought not to _____me your secret, but he really meant no harm.

    [单选题]Tom ought not to _____me your secret, but he really meant no harm.A.have to

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  • tell himse secret, never will he talks a