
4.I am afraid he is no longer ________ .







4.I __________my teacher carefully,but l

[单选题]4.I __________my teacher carefully,but l __________nothing.A. listened,listenedB. heard,listened toC.listened to,heardD. listened to,listened

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  • Don't be [afraid].I am not going to hurt you.

    [单选题]Don't be [afraid].I am not going to hurt you.A.fearB. astonishedC. shockedD

  • 查看答案
  • Don't be [afraid] .I am not going to hurt you.

    [单选题]Don't be [afraid] .I am not going to hurt you.A.fearB.astonishedC. shockedD

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  • I am not [certain]whether he will come.

    [单选题]I am not [certain]whether he will come.A.determinedB. sureC. sorryD.glad

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  • I am _______ to believe that he won‘t co


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  • I wish I ____ longer this morning, but I


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  • I wish I ____ longer this morning, but I

    [试题]I wish I ____ longer this morning, but I had 选择IwishI____longerthismorning,butIhadtogetupandcometoclass.(A)couldhaveslept(C)mighthaveslept(B)slept(D)haveslept

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  • £­£­£­£­I’m afraid I’ve got a bad cold .

    [单选题]----I’m afraid I’ve got a bad cold .---- _____.A. Never mindB. keep away from meC. Better go and see a doctorD. You need to eat less food

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  • I’m afraid the envelopes must be deliver

    [单选题]I’m afraid the envelopes must be delivered at once, _____ the conference brochures won’t be mailed.(A) unless(B) in case(C) otherwise(D) yet

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  • There′s __________ expression inChinese, I′m afraid.

    [单选题]There′s __________ expression inChinese, I′m afraid.A.no soB.no such anC.no

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  • 4.I am afraid he is no longer ________ .