
5.—Do you know__________

—It’s about ten minutes ride.

A. how far is your school from here?

B. how far your school is from here?

C. where is the way to your school?

D. which is the way to your school?



What do you know about Frank?

[单选题]What do you know about Frank?A. He will arrive in Chicago this morning. B. He will send Ms. Tyler an e-mail.C. He will call Ms. Tyler himself.

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  • What do you know about the woman?

    [单选题]What do you know about the woman?A. She cannot find her necklace.B. She put her necklace in the bed.C. She is not satisfied with the room.

  • 查看答案
  • Do you know much about our company, depa

    [主观题]D.o you know much about our company, department, team?你了解我们公司、各部门和工作团队吗?

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  • what do you know about “SOPEP”?what is V

    [试题]what do you know about “SOPEP”?what is VRP , and what is VCP ?

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  • 5. —What do you want to do this Sunday?

    [单选题]5. —What do you want to do this Sunday?—I want to ________ a comedy.A.lookB.look atC.seeD.watch

  • 查看答案
  • 5. —Do you have a volleyball? —________.

    [单选题]5. —Do you have a volleyball?—________.A. Yes, I doB. Yes,l haveC. I doD. Yes, I don-t

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  • 5.—Why do you like playing football? —Be

    [单选题]5.—Why do you like playing football?—Because it's _______ .A.easyB.difficultC.boringD.,relaxing

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  • 5. —What kind of movies do you like? —__

    [单选题]5. —What kind of movies do you like?—________.A. I like comediesB. I like itC.It s scaryD.It s interesting

  • 查看答案
  • 5.—Do you think bread is very popular in

    [单选题]5.—Do you think bread is very popular in China?—__________A. Yes,l am. B. No,l don-t think so.C. No,l think it isn't. D. Yes,l think they do.

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  • 5.—Do you play _________piano in your fr

    [单选题]5.—Do you play _________piano in your free time?—No,l like sports.l often play _________soccer with my friends.A./,theB. the,/C. the,theD. a,a

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  • 5.—Do you know__________—It’s about ten