
25. When did I tell the dentist he had pulled out the wrong tooth in the end?

A. After the tooth was pulled out of my mouth.

B.After the cotton-wool was pulled out of my mouth.

C. When the dentist was asking me questions.



I′m surprised that Andy is 25. I thought he was__________, for he seems to be in his thirties.

[单选题]I′m surprised that Andy is 25. I thought he was__________, for he seems to

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  • When __________be was he had become a fa

    [单选题]When __________be was he had become a famous artist.A.his early thirtyB.in one’S early thirtiesC.his early thirtiesD.in his early thirties

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  • Tell me since when he ______ in your sch

    [单选题]Tell me since when he ______ in your school.A. taughtB. has taughtC. teachesD. had taught

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  • 22. How did I answer the dentist£­s ques

    [单选题]22. How did I answer the dentist-s questions?A.I nodded or made strange noises.B.I didn-t say anything.C.I answered the dentist's questions loudly and clearly.

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    [单选题]______a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!A.WhereB.HowC.WhatD

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    [单选题]He ______ a lot of stories to tell about China when he first came back home

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  • He was not as active as I had ______him

    [单选题]H.e was not as active as I had ______him to be.A.inspectedB.recognizedC.objectedD.expected

  • 查看答案
  • 25. When did I tell the dentist he had p