
C.EOs of big companies decided to help colleges enroll more minority students because they_____.

[A]think it wrong to deprive the minorities of their rights to receive education

[B]want to conserve the fine characteristics of American nation

[C]want a workforce that reflects the diversity of their customers

[D]think it their duty to help develop education of the country



In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

[单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

    [单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

    [单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

    [单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

    [单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Sho

    [单选题]In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children, they tackle

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  • Big Ben is in

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  • CEOs of big companies decided to help co